Path to Ownership

Path to Ownership

In 2024, Biltmore acquired two new lines of business from Dave Cantin Group: DCG Capital and the DCG Ownership Accelerator Program. This acquisition has helped expand our service offering for first-time buyers of automotive dealerships.

Become a member of Biltmore’s Path to Ownership Program. The Program is designed to match qualified operators with high-potential car dealerships. The Program offers financing support to current Senior Managers at dealership looking to start or build equity on their path to retail ownership.

To get started, fill in the form below. Once we receive your inquiry, we will schedule a call with you to better understand your needs.

Tell us about yourself

Please let us know a little about yourself so that we can better asses how to help you. Our goal is to answer all enquiries within 24 hours on business days.

    1. Name - first and last*

    2. Your email*

    3. Best daytime telephone number - with area code*

    4. What is your current role at your dealership?*
    Dealer PrincipalGeneral ManagerCFOFixed Ops DirectorOther

    5. If "other" above, what is your role.

    6. If you have a target dealership, briefly tell us about it.*

    7. What is your estimated personal net worth (your total assets minus debts)?*
    Less than $100K$100-$500K$500K-$1M$1-$2M$2-$3MMore than $3M

    8. Have you ever had a bankruptcy/loan default, have a criminal record, had a previous termination of a dealership?*

    9. Do you currently have a signed engagement with a dealership Broker?*

    Learn more about the Program

    Get the Program Term Sheet